Monday, March 7, 2011

Farewell Yellowstone Winter 2011.

Last Photo of the Night.

It's been an amazing winter - peaceful, beautiful and wonderful friends.  Last night was the Survivors Party - celebrating the end of the season that we all shared together on this small, snowed in location. We are leaving at 5 a.m. tomorrow to start on our journey home.  Good night and sweet dreams.  Gunga Ga Lunga!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gold Medals!

That's right - we won gold medals.  I worked during almost all of the Olympic events - except Snow Sculpturing.  This event was held on the last day and the most beautiful day (weather wise).  Graham, Craig and I took this pile of snow...

...and turned it into the Roosevelt Arch.  (The letters look creepy - we did our best with green food coloring mixed with water.)  We were starting to get so exhausted near the end that you couldn't walk all the way through the arch - but I could fit under it with only slight ducking.  The moment we broke through to the other side was such a joyous moment for us.  (It says, "For the benefit and enjoyment of the people." March 1, 1872.)